Changing scanning range of advanced satellites?

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Outback Jack
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Changing scanning range of advanced satellites?

Post by Outback Jack » Wed, 28. Aug 19, 00:28


Is there anyone left who remembers details about X3R?

I read a thread about changing the scanning range of advanced satellites and it sounded like something I would like to have in my game, but the thread was for a later version of X.

Does anyone still reading here remember how that might be done in X3R?

Thanks in advance...
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Re: Changing scanning range of advanced satellites?

Post by X2-Illuminatus » Mon, 2. Sep 19, 20:43

It should work the same as in the later games:
  1. Install the X3 Editor 2 and setup it up to point to your X3 Reunion installation directory.
  2. Use the Virtual Files System (VFS) of the X3 Editor 2 to get the latest "globals" file from the types folder. (Alternatively, you can open the catalog file directly; it should be number 6).
  3. Create an empty folder called "types" in your X3: Reunion directory.
  4. Extract (and decompress) the "globals" file there using the X3 Editor 2.
  5. Open said "types" folder and the therein located globals.txt with the windows text editor.
  6. Change the number behind the "SG_SCANNER_RANGE_SATELLITE2" value to something you feel appropriate (500 units = 1 meter).
  7. Save the file, start the game and load your savegame.
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Outback Jack
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Re: Changing scanning range of advanced satellites?

Post by Outback Jack » Tue, 17. Sep 19, 18:59

Many thanks, Illuminatus. I'll give that a try sometime.
She was gonna be an actress
I was gonna learn to fly
She took off to find the footlights
I took off to find the sky

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