Freezing not fixed after patch

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Freezing not fixed after patch

Post by Skeletal » Fri, 11. Nov 05, 23:25

Oh well, patch 1.2.1 doesn’t work either…what a surprise!
I refer to that other type of crash, the “hang up”. I have to say I have been sceptical about the new patch fixing this because most threads where Ego seems to suggest “things will be fixed” seem to refer to a complete crash to desktop. I can’t recall posts saying freezing will be fixed (or if there are any posts, freezing isn’t fixed!).

The good news, if it can be called that, is that my freeze is repeatable and occurs just after I have gone into Emperor Mines. If anyone from Egosoft would like the save game file I’ll email it to you (I don’t have anywhere to upload a file).

To recap, as I am flying through EM, the game freezes, and the sound goes into a continuous loop. The only way out is to Ctrl+Alt+Del. This has happened in several places, and was getting worse until I abandoned the game (just before EM) awaiting the patch. Within minutes of re-starting after patching, I got the freeze at the same spot in the game. I may try flying to another sector to see if it still happens…but it looks like the game will gather dust for a bit longer yet.


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Post by Pendel » Sat, 12. Nov 05, 00:53

Same for me...

I have no concrete CTD bug, but my game keeps freezing sometimes with short sound loops. I had this bug before and hoped 1.2.01 fixed it. I were able to play about 3 hours nonstop without having a crash. But then it started again.

My drivers are all up-to-date and my hardware specs fullfil the requirements with a smile. I also have a more or less good framerate since 1.2.01 . EGO really fixed that issue. But the freezing is still annoying cause you never know when it appears.

I'm not complaining about this, I just wanted to mention it so the DEVs know about this issue and try to fix it in the next patch... The more ppl mentioning the same problem, the more important this fix becomes.

I still wanna say that the DEVs developed a really great game and I appreciate the work they are doing by trying to fix the known issues as fast as possible. Keep up the good work. The community will be very grateful even if some are just complaining.

Nevertheless I'm looking forward to Patch 1.3 and hope game crashing issues will be fixed then, and other upcoming patches are just for little problem causing issues.

Greetz Pendel

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Post by Skeletal » Sat, 12. Nov 05, 01:18

Yes, I wonder how many this is affecting.

BUT, I thought I would try something...I re-loaded the game (which has auto-saved at a space station), I undocked and immediately re-docked...thus re-saving the game. I then did exactly as I did before and flew into EM. This time it did not freeze! I have also flown about a bit (and am now stuck in the storyline...will look elsewhere in forum but may post about this later).

So, do you have to load and save to clear the bug??? Or will it freeze on me somewhere else?


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Post by veridiac » Sat, 12. Nov 05, 01:29

I experienced frequent freezing before the patch - to the point that I couldn't even finish a trade run without freezing, after the patch I haven't froze yet, but I've only played a little so far.

I actually did freeze in 1.2.01 but only only loading a specific savegame, when I loaded this savegame it would freeze immediatly, and I'd get the welcome message looping. I loaded a different autosave made just a few minutes before this one, it worked ok, so I saved again to make a 1.2.01 savegame and then loaded that and started playing (seemed like a good idea to not run from a converted save) and I haven't had a problem yet.

I should've saved that broken savegame but I forgot to :( oops

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Post by Pendel » Sat, 12. Nov 05, 04:49

In my case the game freezes at different times at different places and different savegames... I can't reproduce the freezing. That's the annoying part of it... When you play about 3 hours and you did not save for the last 2 hours because your game didn't crash at all and then suddenly right after you captured a pirate fleet ( :P ) and want to save after you sold 'em the game crashes right before you reach the station :( ...

But I'm optimistic that this will be fixed soon... I don't think EGOSOFT could live with the public opinion of releasing an unfinished game and then don't fix the problems within a certain time.

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Freezing not fixed after patch

Post by Black raider » Sat, 12. Nov 05, 11:05

I also have problem with random freezes. Freezes started after 5 days of playing, and continued from patch 1.2 thru 1.2.01.

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Post by Skeletal » Sat, 12. Nov 05, 11:14

Before the latest patch, I had intermittent freezes that I could not reproduce (and I agree, it is really hard to pin these down, and is a killer after a long fought battle). The frequency of the freezes increased with time until the one in EM (which I could reproduce). I was so fed up with it at that point I stopped playing until the patch.

After the patch and then after my load/save trick I have managed a fair bit of flying (will carry on over the weekend and see how it goes).

I would certainly recommend anyone having this problem to try an immediate load save (apart from those whose freeze occurs at the space station of course!!!).

I would also like to see a response from Egosoft on the freezing issue.


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Post by XenonBuster » Sat, 12. Nov 05, 11:46

after patching the game I am getting freezes only when using seta x6 and left wondering if it is the seta and the graphics card not being able to handle it
my graphics card is a GeForce FX 5600

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Post by Hoops71 » Sat, 12. Nov 05, 11:59

Same here.Freezing all the time.Im going to put my game on hold till 1.3 comes out as its totaly unplayable at the moment. :(

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Post by L12 » Sat, 12. Nov 05, 12:32

Same problem here, I seem to get stuck in a loop and the game freezes.

The new patch seems to have helped a little, as when I get stuck in a loop on a space station, it will now break out of it after around 10 secs, but I'll just get stuck in another loop in a minute or two. Also, although it does seem to break out of the loop on the space station, if you click on the msg board it will do what it did in version 1.2 and lock up completely.

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Post by mufflink » Sat, 12. Nov 05, 13:56

I'm also getting the completely random freezing. Any of you got the script editor active? I re-installed the game last night and didn't activate the editor, the game seemed to run fine for ages; as soon as I activated it the game crashed.


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Post by acrh2 » Sat, 12. Nov 05, 15:34

I too have random freezes on SETA.
During the day, the game would freeze 2-3 times during, say, an 8 hour session. Of course, this prevents me from running the game is SETA at night.

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Post by Bri62 » Sat, 12. Nov 05, 15:41

Same here ........never froze with 1.2 but now been playing a short while with the new patch and it froze with the sound in a short loop......Hmmm can i remove the patch or do i have to re-install the game ????
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Post by Skeletal » Sat, 12. Nov 05, 21:10

Oh noooo…it’s off AGAIN!!!

I thought I was doing OK but it just froze as I came out of a station in Ore Belt. I had to re-boot the computer, re-start etc and I managed to leave the station this time. Flew to Home of Light and shortly after emerging from the gate, it froze again (just like the Emperor Mines freeze that prompted me to start this thread).

I am going to try the trick of loading and saving again.

Another point, I am not using anything clever like script editor mufflink…I don’t even know how to turn it on! I am NOT using SETA, there is no speech, I am not targeting anything etc etc; when in space I am simply flying along. Leaving the space station the symptom is that, as you leave, you just fall downwards…none of the controls work.

Egosoft…please comment i.e. please say you are aware of this bug and that, hopefully, you will fix in 1.3. Also note that I do not really care about any other extra features at this point, I just want to be able to play the game!


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Post by xeonexs » Sat, 12. Nov 05, 21:47

Im freezing, at any time, any place, any where, doesnt matter if you try older saves its the game its self :(
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Post by Skeletal » Sun, 13. Nov 05, 17:48

OK, so I thought I’d give the load/save trick a go again. Guess what…it worked! (But I agree xeonexs, it does seem to be the game...I'm just trying to find a temporary work around until Egosoft fixes it).

I was able to carry on past where the game froze (just like I said in the earlier post).

I then carried on with the game last night. I guess this will work for a while until the next freeze, and I’ll try the same trick again.

It would be interesting if anyone else can replicate this, but one of the problems is that the freezes are often random.

I know there are 1000’s of posts, but does anyone know if Egosoft have commented on the freeze issue (i.e. NOT the target and crash issue which seems to be better for most…funnily enough, I never had that problem!).


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Post by WillWilk » Sun, 13. Nov 05, 20:37

Pendel wrote:Same for me...

I have no concrete CTD bug, but my game keeps freezing sometimes with short sound loops. I had this bug before and hoped 1.2.01 fixed it. I were able to play about 3 hours nonstop without having a crash. But then it started again.

My drivers are all up-to-date and my hardware specs fullfil the requirements with a smile. I also have a more or less good framerate since 1.2.01 . EGO really fixed that issue. But the freezing is still annoying cause you never know when it appears.

I'm not complaining about this, I just wanted to mention it so the DEVs know about this issue and try to fix it in the next patch... The more ppl mentioning the same problem, the more important this fix becomes.

I still wanna say that the DEVs developed a really great game and I appreciate the work they are doing by trying to fix the known issues as fast as possible. Keep up the good work. The community will be very grateful even if some are just complaining.

Nevertheless I'm looking forward to Patch 1.3 and hope game crashing issues will be fixed then, and other upcoming patches are just for little problem causing issues.

Greetz Pendel
I'm seeing the same bug, random freezing with sound looping, they get more frequent the longer I play. A couple of times the sound's just dissapeared without crashing. I've also had a couple of saves cause CTDs, reverting to the previous save's worked so far...

AMD 2500+
ATI 9600 Pro 128Mb, 5.11 catalyst drivers (also happens with 5.9)
A7N8X v2.0 Motherboard
nForce on board sound
Windows XP
Plot Game, X-TREME v 1.2.01 UK
Happens in various sectors


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Post by danprivatus » Mon, 14. Nov 05, 10:10

Same here -- random freezes in random sectors, sound loop, occurs for me with and without SETA active, never occurred with 1.2, recover with ctrl-alt-del.

But still -- 1.2.01 is an improvement, because it fixed the Target-CTD problem, so I can play now. Thanks, Egosoft! This new problem is "irritating" but not "catastrophic", because (1) I can at least restart (2) patch 1.3 is coming and (3) X3 is still a fine game.

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Post by Hoops71 » Mon, 14. Nov 05, 10:17

Hmm I hope Egosoft Devs are taking note here as this seems to be happening to a lot of people.Any comment would be greatly appreciated Im sure. :wink:

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Post by Looney » Mon, 14. Nov 05, 10:47

Yeah, i too am getting the ODD Freeze.
Radom looping sound..... then game freeze. Only way out of it, is to hope control alt delete will bring up the task manager, or i have actually shut down the comp to reboot.

But i must add the new patch significantly improved things for me.
It has reduced the amount of crashes 10 fold.

I have tried all different driver combinations, my computer is well within specs. No spyware, ad ware. and i defrag regular. And have no virus's.

I have a nvid 5950 ultra 256 mb.
and an audigy soundblast zs.

I have been thinking its a sound card problem. Or a bug.
If anyone has any possible solutions, i would be grateful.


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