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Fly to Prime part 2

Posted: Thu, 2. Feb 06, 05:34
by layton99
Part 1 is here

Part 2

“So what do you think to her idea?” Bran sniffed sliding into the navigations seat and looking at him intently.
Fly slowly went through pre-flight his flingers flicking through the switches absently. He was thinking, mulling over the Teladi’s offer, Bran knew after being with him for so long not to disturb his line of thought. Fly was big and slow moving and many people thought he wasn’t very bright but Bran knew that the big man was probably one of the most intelligent pilots in the universe the whole big and stupid front was a sham for people that didn’t know him, problems got solved when Fly was around. There was no need to push him, he would think his way through something then make a decision and with the decision made he would work out a way to accomplish that decision.
“It’s interesting” Bran smiled, interesting wasn’t the word he would have used. Flying between ten and twenty illegal ships through Paranid space and that’s only if they can get through the four Paranid sectors between Trinity Sanctum and Paranid Prime to pick up the ships in the first place.
Fly had finished the flight checks and was sat staring out the front screen at the boaster scored hanger wall beyond.
“Pontifex’ Realm is going to be the problem” He said at last.
“Why?” Bran knew to ask what and why questions at the right time to help him solve whatever problem he was working on.
“We have to fly directly through the middle of Pontifex’ the others we can cut across” he flicked a switch and a map of the universe flashed onto the front screen that he had been staring through.
“We could go around” Bran said looking at the map.
“No point, it would only save us two sectors and adds three pirate areas”
He switched his eyes back to the map. They could go all the way up to Ceo’s Buckzoid that would mean passing through just one Paranid sector and one pirate sector. No, that would be a journey of some weeks even with SETA(Singularity Engine Time Accelerator) on full-time the war might be over by the time they got back to Paranid space.
“We should be able to get to Paranid Prime with no problems but getting though Emperor Mines is going to be next to impossible with twenty Argon ships behind us”
The Mines is bordered to the north with the Argon sector of Cloudbase South-West security there would be tighter than a Teladi merchant’s ass.
“Split Fire?”
Fly stared at the map for a moment “Sounds like a plan”
They’d have to arrange a pass to Split Fire maybe under the pretence of selling the ships to the pirate base there.
Fly strapped himself in and hit the intercom
“Fly Buster 1363 requesting permission to launch” hitting the start up sequence in the M4 as he spoke the engines rumbled to life.
The speakers hissed.
“Permission granted”
“Damn forgot about the speakers” Bran muttered under the stern look he got from his partner.
“Idiot” Sliding the throttle forwards the engine note rose a pitch and the craft moved forwards, the hanger door slide up to reveal a star filled blackness punctuated with red and blue streaks of engine exhaust as vessels of all races went about their business in the sector.
“Plot course for Paranid Prime Shipyard using Pontifex’ Realm, Emperors Ridge, Dukes Domain and Priest Rings” Fly spoke into the intercom.
“Please wait computing” the feminine computer voice replied.
“Time to destination 16:43”
“Distance to destination 1859565”


Fly leaned over and hit the green SETA control button.


The stars and stations blurred into one as the SETA drive went from 100% to 1000% compression
Both fly and Bran closed their eyes against the flash of things flying past too fast for the eyes to trace, soon all that could be heard in the cockpit was the occational sniff as Bran cleared his nose and the deep rumble of Fly’s snores as the ship flew to its destination.

Posted: Thu, 2. Feb 06, 08:47
by KiwiNZ
Cool idea. Smuggling a convoy of ships through Paranid space should be a very interesting task!

Looking forward to the next part. :thumb_up:

Posted: Thu, 2. Feb 06, 17:30
by Mastermue
Ditto KiwiNZ.

Good story. Looking forward to the next part! :D

Posted: Tue, 20. Oct 09, 09:55
by layton99